Nutrition during pregnancy!

Nutrition during pregnancy!

I am pregnant! For those of you that do not know, I am pregnant! Currently hovering around 26 weeks and feeling great. This has been quite the journey. My husband and I always wanted kids. It was just a matter of time. Our original plan…

The dangers of under-eating.  My story with Hypothalamic  Ammenorea

The dangers of under-eating. My story with Hypothalamic Ammenorea

Intro After getting off birth control the end of June 2022, my period did not come back. In fact, it took almost 6 months to come back. It took me a few months to realize what was going on. I was not eating enough food…

We wrote a book!

We wrote a book!

My husband and I wrote a lifestyle/cook ebook! Available for purchase today! To purchase the book, click this link (the preferred link- we will be compensated more this way!). You can also purchase it on amazon here. Here’s a quick description on what to expect:…

Huberman Lab podcast notes- How to Lose Fat with Science Based Tools.

Huberman Lab podcast notes- How to Lose Fat with Science Based Tools.

Hello everyone! I wrote notes for a Huberman Lab podcast episode that came out a few months back. The episode is called, “How to Lose Fat with Science Based Tools”. A link to the episode can be found here on Spotify. For those of you…

Why I stopped drinking alcohol

Why I stopped drinking alcohol

INTRO! I stopped drinking alcohol over two months ago.  I feel great and I do not have a desire to drink.  However, I am not here swear off alcohol forever.  I am just in a place where I am not interested.  I do want to…

Do carbs make us fat?

Do carbs make us fat?

Do carbs make us fat?  Is there something about carbs that is inherently more fattening than other macronutrients? I certainly believed in this in the past.  However through some personal, professional and educational experience, I changed my mind. In this article, I will break down…

Gut health and glucose

Gut health and glucose

Background  What is the gut?  The gut is a long hollow tube that starts at the mouth and ends at the rectum.   Think of the gut like a row of dominos.  If the first does not fall, the others will not either.   Why care?  Digestion …

Calorie and macro tracking to maintain and/or lose weight

Calorie and macro tracking to maintain and/or lose weight

Why bother counting calories and macros? I am not the biggest fan of counting calories.  For weight loss and maintenance, my general recommendation is to focus on foods high in protein and low in fat and carbs.  This information is usually enough for weight maintenance or…

The Salt Fix- a book review

The Salt Fix- a book review

What is “The Salt Fix” and why should you care? During my nutrition education, I was educated to believe that excessive consumption of salt leads to hypertension. This seemed to make intuitive sense at the time. I associated salty foods with processed foods such as…

The P:E Diet, a book review

The P:E Diet, a book review

The P:E Diet is a book by Dr. Ted Naiman and William Shewfelt. It is a user manual for how to eat and how to move in order to be a healthy human. πŸ“–πŸƒπŸ’ͺ At a glance, the book has three parts Ecology and Evolution…